
Tuesday, July 22, 2014


If you remember a a couple months back, I made a personal goal to achieve a sub 4 hour marathon by my birthday in December. I began to focus on my strength training ensuring my body would be able to withstand the physical demand of running a sub 4 marathon. I have introduced yoga, PIYO, and Focus T25 into my training routine. Not only have I seen physical results (which are so cool to see), but I feel stronger when I run...and I've gotten faster. This is INCREDIBLE! So the question everyone wanted to know was, which race would it be? Where would I earn that sub 4? Well, I am pleased to announce that I am not only participating in the REVEL Run Series Canyon City Marathon in my own backyard in November (yes it is the day before Avengers I am aware), but I am also a REVELer! That means I am on a great squad of 14 runners from around the country who want to achieve greatness. This ambassador team was formed to get you pumped up about REVEL and help you earn those PRs! If you haven't heard of REVEL, let me fill you in!

REVEL is known for their fast courses in beautiful scenic areas around the country. Currently there are three races on their docket...The Rockies in Denver, Big Cottonwood in Utah, and Canyon City here in Southern California. Not only are they fast...they are beautiful. Through my trail running, I have a new appreciation for nature and my surroundings. When I am surrounded by the splendor of nature I feel more at ease and comfortable. I tend to enjoy the run more. REVEL is known for amazing swag and an amazing community of runners. Fast and scenic is totally my scene. THIS is the race I will earn my sub 4 at and THIS is why I chose to team up with REVEL.

I am excited to kick off my partnership with them! I will have your chance to win some entries real soon! Also, I'll be forming a team for Canyon City! So if you wanna run with me, it's gonna be a party! I may even have a balloon!

Stay tuned in the coming days...I will have so much more to share!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it is a going to be a lot of fun! Good luck training for your sub four! Reaching that milestone is exciting!
